What Do Solar Panel Installers Do? Why Should You Hire Them?

Solar energy existed since the time the sun was born. We recently started focusing on it more as it is the best alternative source of energy for humans.

The popularity of solar energy panels is increasing with each passing day because it is a clean and renewable energy source. Many households and companies use it because it helps reduce energy bills and carbon footprint.

The increasing popularity of solar panels has given further demand for solar panel installers in the market.

Solar Panel Installers

Source: https://www.rsi.edu/wp-content/uploads/solar-panel-installation-technicians.jpg

solar panel installer is a professional who helps in the installation of solar panels on buildings and roofs. They specialize in installing photovoltaic and solar devices based on standards and codes defined by instructions.

Using solar power has various advantages and that’s why many households have started installing solar panels on their roofs. A solar panel installer can help you with the installation process. In this article, we will walk you through some important details about solar installers.

What Does A Solar Panel Installer Do?

solar panel installer is a person, specializing in the installation, and maintenance of solar panel systems in open spaces, rooftops, or other suitable structures. They mount solar panels and connect them to electrical grids or batteries to ensure optimum performance.

These professionals assess the site’s suitability for installation, perform electrical wiring and connections, and troubleshoot issues. They play an important role in the transition to renewable energy by harnessing solar power and generating sustainable electricity for homes, businesses, and communities.

Solar panel installers must possess in-depth knowledge of solar services to address clients’ complaints, and inquiries, and resolve concerns. They are also responsible for identifying any safety hazards associated with the installed panels.

Solar panel installers are trained professionals with adequate knowledge about solar panels, and related safety protocols.

Job Responsibilities Of A Solar Panel Installer

The primary responsibility of a solar panel installer is to install and maintain solar panels on land and buildings, and they mostly work at heights and outdoors.

Here are the key responsibilities associated with the job of a solar panel installer:

  • They assess locations to determine if they are suitable for solar panel installations based on various factors. They also modify building surfaces and make them suitable for installing solar panels.
  • Solar panel installers set up solar energy systems on various structures, including homes and buildings.
  • They ensure that safety regulations and follow the best practices during the installation process to prevent accidents.
  • Solar installers are responsible for repairing and maintaining solar panel systems, ensuring their long-term functionality.
  • Solar installers assess the compatibility and size of solar panels with the client’s location before installation.
  • They establish the necessary electrical circuits powered by solar energy to connect the panels to electric grids or batteries.
  • Solar installers identify and address safety hazards associated with the installed panels to prevent accidents or damage.
  • They provide accurate information and assistance to clients regarding solar services, addressing inquiries and concerns. Clients can contact solar panel installers and get their issues resolved.
  • Solar installers assemble solar modules and securely attach them to structural frames.
  • They ensure that solar panels are properly sealed and wired for both functionality and safety.
  • Solar panel installers undergo specialized training and adhere to safety measures to perform their tasks effectively and safely.

Things To Consider When Hiring A Solar Panel Installer

Solar panels help to a great extent in saving money on energy bills and reducing carbon footprint. If you are planning to install one, you will need the help of a professional solar panel installer. The factors you need to consider when hiring a solar installer are:

Source: https://cdn3.careeraddict.com/uploads/article/60500/12-solar-pv-installer.jpg

  • Experience

When it comes to solar panel installation, experience counts. Look for an experienced installer who has worked on similar projects before. Go for an expert who has at least 2-years of hands-on experience and ensures quality service.

  • License & Certifications

Ensure that the installer you choose has the necessary certifications and licenses to operate in your area. These certifications demonstrate their expertise. A qualified installer will share this information with you and follow all the safety standards during the installation.

  • Reputation In The Market

Checking the reviews and feedback given by previous customers can help you make a smart choice. Customer reviews and ratings can provide you with early warnings about any problems with the installer. If you notice too many customer complaints, it’s likely a sign that you should consider working with a different installer.

  • Workmanship Warranty

A workmanship warranty covers issues that result from improper installation. For instance, if the solar panel becomes loose due to a faulty screwing job, the workmanship warranty will cover the necessary repairs.

Solar panel installers provide a range of options for these warranties, spanning from 1 to 25 years of protection. This is the reason you should avoid working with less-established companies as they don’t offer extended warranties. They might offer a 10 or 25-year warranty, but there’s no guarantee they will stay in business for that long. When considering an extended warranty from a solar panel installer, make sure they have a documented track record in the solar industry.

  • Cost

Get detailed quotes from multiple installers and compare their costs, so you can find a professional that is within your budget. Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true as they might turn out to be fake later.

Understand that installing solar panels is an expensive project, and therefore, you may need financial help. In that case, you have options, such as loans, leases, or purchasing outright. Choose an option that fits your budget and long-term goals. Ask for quotes so that you get a rough idea about the total expense and negotiate if needed.

Final Words

Hiring the right solar panel installer can make a big difference. An experienced installer knows their job the best. They will not only install the panels securely but also guide you through the entire process. By following these simple tips, you should be able to find a qualified solar installer for your project.